Success Stories

Read about our customers’ next-gen attribution & analytics journeys with us

AllAttributionAnalyticsMMP migrationETLFraud PreventionPrivacyAd monetizationGamingKids appsFintech

Playsome meets KPI goals and nets impressive growth with minimal resources

Ciao Games-MAF transitions & manages 30+ apps seamlessly

Offerwise raises attribution standards across mobile and web

Singular presented a pricing structure that didn’t limit feature functionality.

Said Salles

Co-Founder & CGO

AstroPay migrates MMPs for full cross-platform attribution with zero data loss

Star Stable takes on iOS and Android with compliant performance measurement

Domino’s scales spend 2-3x since moving to Singular

Carry1st leads the way with SKAN 4 adoption

Mad Brain Games improves efficiency & scales their growth


hours faster SKAN data


hours of work saved per week


apps migrated to Singular

Edouard Favier

User Acquisition Director

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