Mobile App Terminology


What is targeting?

Targeting is the process of identifying and selecting a specific group of people to receive a marketing message. It helps marketers to deliver more relevant, personalized, and effective marketing messages to their audience. Targeting is done by dividing the target audience into smaller segments based on shared characteristics, such as demographics, interests, and behavior. It involves strategically focusing messages, offers, and campaigns on the consumer segment most likely to respond favorably. Targeting allows marketers to optimize return on investment by concentrating resources on reaching and resonating with their ideal buyers. By targeting the right audience, businesses can maximize the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.

There are many different ways to target a marketing message. Some common methods include:

  • Demographic targeting: This involves targeting people based on age, gender, income, education level, marital status, and other demographic factors.
  • Geographic targeting: This involves targeting people based on location, such as country, state, or city.
  • Psychographic targeting: This involves targeting people based on their interests, values, and lifestyle.
  • Behavioral targeting: This involves targeting people based on their online behavior, such as the websites they visit, the apps they use, and the products they purchase.
  • Contextual targeting: When you can’t target people based on who they are or what they do, placing your ads in context of activities and services that align with your target market can enable contextual targeting.

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What is the general usage of targeting in marketing?

Targeting aims to increase relevance for the consumer and efficiency for a particular brand. By tailoring outreach to align with a target audience’s interests, needs, and values, marketers can boost engagement and conversion rates. Brands first identify their ideal buyer personas based on demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and other attributes.

Common targeting factors include age, gender, location, income level, job role, company size, interests, pain points, and shopping habits. For instance, a brand selling luxury watches may target affluent individuals aged 30-50 who value exclusivity and craftsmanship. The brand would then tailor its messaging to highlight these attributes, thereby appealing directly to the interests and preferences of its target audience. Targeting helps businesses optimize the use of their marketing resources. By narrowing their focus to specific segments, companies spend less on reaching consumers who are unlikely to convert. This improves the return on investment for each marketing dollar spent. 

Targeting also helps create a more personalized customer experience. When consumers receive offers and content tailored specifically for them, it increases brand relevance and loyalty. Such a strategy is supported by data from McKinsey & Company, which shows that personalization can deliver higher marketing ROI and reduce the cost of customer acquisition by up to 50%.

Targeting involves segmenting the overall market into groups based on relevant characteristics like demographics, interests, behaviors, and location. Businesses then develop marketing messages and strategies tailored to each segment. For example, an online retailer may target separate segments for men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing. Each segment would receive different product recommendations, promotional messages, and emails. Proper targeting allows businesses to focus their marketing efforts on the groups most likely to be interested in and purchase their products or services.

Targeting is used in a variety of marketing channels, including:

  • Online advertising: Advertisers can use targeting to show their ads to people most likely to be interested in their products or services.
  • Email marketing: Marketers can use targeting to send email messages to people who are likely to be interested in the content of their emails.
  • Direct mail: Businesses can use targeting to send direct mail pieces to people who live in a specific area or who have previously shown an interest in their products or services.
  • Social media marketing: Marketers can use targeting to show their social media posts to people interested in the topics they post about.

Targeting is getting more challenging with additional privacy legislation, guidelines, and platform restrictions. Contextual targeting is getting more important, and platform-defined audiences can help.

How Singular enables targeting?

Singular is a marketing intelligence platform that helps marketers to measure and optimize their marketing campaigns across different channels and platforms. 

While Singular is not an ad network, data marketers capture and store in Singular help them leverage various types of data sources for targeting, such as device data (think device ID, OS version, carrier), user data (such as user ID, email address), app data (such as app name, category), campaign data (such as campaign name, source), and custom data (such as any custom event or attribute). 

Singular integrates with most ad networks and partners that offer different targeting options for marketers, and can also export audiences to enable retargeting or remarketing campaigns.

Singular leverages advanced targeting strategies to optimize their clients’ marketing efforts. Singular’s platform provides comprehensive tools for audience segmentation, enabling marketers to identify and target their ideal customers precisely. Singular’s data-driven approach allows its clients to analyze a wealth of information about consumer behavior, preferences, and engagement. This data is then used to inform clients’ targeting strategies, ensuring their marketing messages are tailored to their audience’s unique needs and interests. 

Singular helps marketers to measure the effectiveness of their targeting strategies by providing granular and accurate attribution and analytics. Singular tracks marketing touchpoint across different channels and platforms and attributes conversions to the most relevant source. Singular also provides insights into the performance of different segments and cohorts of users based on various criteria. By using Singular’s targeting and measurement capabilities, marketers can optimize their marketing campaigns and maximize their ROAS (return on ad spend).

Singular also offers a variety of targeting features, such as:

  • Audience management: Singular allows its customers to segment their target audience into smaller groups based on shared characteristics. Doing so allows customers to create more targeted ad campaigns.
  • Retargeting: Singular allows its customers to retarget people who have previously used their apps.
  • Lookalike audiences: Singular allows its clients to create lookalike audiences based on their existing customers. Doing so is a great way to find new customers similar to its clients’ existing customers.


Targeting is a powerful tool to help businesses reach their target audiences more effectively. Singular offers various targeting options and features to help businesses create more targeted ad campaigns.

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