
Mobile quarterly trends: get all the latest data insights in Singular’s new Quarterly Trends Report

By John Koetsier May 15, 2024

Need the latest mobile quarterly trends?

CPI is up, 4 networks whose names you’d probably recognize gained the most new advertisers in the past quarter, and ATT opt-in on iOS dropped. But 6 categories of iOS apps are still over 30% ATT acceptance, and global CPI on Android apps at least — not games — is slightly down.

All of that and much more in Singular’s latest Quarterly Trends Report, which  is now available.

So what’s all included? Way too much, of course … but it is all quickly and easily navigable for just the data you’re most interested in.

Key metrics for user acquisition professionals

  • ATT opt-in by vertical
  • CPI by vertical
  • CPI, CTR, and CVR by country
  • CTR by genre: games
  • CTR by genre: apps
  • IPM by genre: games
  • IPM by genre: apps


ATT prompt - mobile quarterly trends


Mobile quarterly trends for advertisers looking to optimize their spend

  • Ad networks: top gainers in customers and spend
  • Ad spend growth: top countries
  • Hottest app and game genres by downloads
  • Global spend share distribution: iOS/Android/web
  • Regional spend share distribution: iOS/Android/web


android game CPI mobile quarterly trends


Useful benchmarks and insight for mobile growth organizations

  • Paid vs organic installs: iOS vs Android
  • Plus partner contributions
    • RevenueCat: subscription trial conversions
    • Fluent: rewards in mobile user acquisition
    • Mistplay: finding IAP spenders


CPI CTR CVR by country mobile quarterly trends


Clearly, your own marketing and performance data is what matters most, and benchmarks are best left on the bench. But it’s always interesting to see what the bigger picture is, and there’s a pretty big picture here based on:

  • Billions of dollars of ad spend
  • Trillions of ad impressions
  • Billions of app installs

There’s a ton of data plus a ton of mobile quarterly trends insight in the new report, and all of it helps you navigate the $446 billion in global ad spend and $135 billion in annual in-app purchases that we’re seeing in mobile.

Get it all, for free, right here.

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