Mobile App Terminology

Facebook Install Referrer

What is Facebook’s Install Referrer Decryption Key?

Facebook’s Install Referrer Decryption Key is a 64-character key found in your Facebook Developer account that enables Singular to decrypt the Google Play Store referrer metadata for Facebook’s Install Referrer solution.

A Mobile Measurement Partner’s (MMP’s) self-attributing integration with Facebook only allows advertisers access to aggregate marketing and attribution data. Any field normally identifying a self-attributed Facebook conversion is marked as “Unattributed” in user level logs. However, advertisers can opt to enable Facebook’s Install Referrer measurement solution via their MMP, to access user-level data for Android MAI campaigns.

Looking for a Facebook attribution solution?

Learn how Singular MMP can help

What are the uses of Facebook’s Install Referrer?

  1. A user clicks on an ad and is directed to the Google Play Store.
  2. Facebook appends encrypted campaign metadata to the click url (known as the Referrer URL).
  3. The user installs and opens the app.
  4. The Facebook Referrer URL along with additional content from the Google Play Store are added to the install referrer.
  5. Singular’s SDK will pass the FB Referrer URL to Singular’s servers and decrypts it using the advertiser-provided Facebook decryption key.
  6. Singular ingests the FB Referrer URL for reporting to advertisers who can use the Singular ETL, or leverage Singular’s real-time BI postbacks.

Looking for a Facebook attribution solution?

Learn how Singular MMP can help

How to retrieve your Facebook Install Decryption Key?

Check your Facebook developer portal for your Android apps to locate your Install Referrer decryption key. There is one Install Referrer decryption key per Facebook App ID.

  1. Navigate to “My Apps”
  2. Select your Android app
  3. Navigate to “Basic” within the “Settings” menu option
  4. Scroll down to the Android app store section and locate the “Install Referrer Decryption Key”

Interested in learning more about Facebook’s Install Referrer solution and how it works?

Check out our blog, Install Referrer: What you need to know, for all things Install Referrer.

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