
Singular’s updated user permissions functionality: granular control for enterprise users

By John Koetsier April 24, 2019

If you’re spending tens or hundreds of millions of dollars advertising your app, brand, or services annually, you’re not doing it alone. You’re doing it with a team of people.

More than that, you have a team of people looking over your shoulder.

And why not? You might be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars a day. It’s kind of a big deal.

That’s why Singular has extremely granular user permissions that you can tune exactly how you need to give stakeholders precisely the access to your data that they need — and no more. Without this kind of capability, you simply lack the ability to properly manage your team.

User permissions: three kinds of users

You can define three kinds of users for your Singular account:

  1. Admin users:
    User has stunning godlike powers (possible slight overstatement)
  2. Standard users:
    User can do everything but add and manage users
  3. Restricted users:
    User can only do what you allow them to do

You’ll probably have a couple of admins, a bunch of standard users for the user acquisition managers and marketing managers on your team, and a number of restricted users.

Maybe BI needs a window into spend and ROI. Maybe the CFO wants to see what’s going on. Maybe the creative team wants to be able to track clickthrough and ROI per image, or per ad or group of ads. Or maybe an engineer needs to set up a new integration, or data routing to Amazon or an on-prem database.

All of that is possible.

Restricted users: three kinds of restrictions

For restricted users, you’ll be able to limit capabilities and access in any of three ways:

  1. Metrics permissions
    User can only view the metrics you allow, even in saved reports or the dashboard
  2. Data permissions
    Users can only see the data you want them to, such as for a particular app or data source
  3. Feature permissions
    Users can only see the screens you want them to see

Now you can create users who can only see data from one or several apps, but not all your apps. Or you can create users who can only see data from search media sources, or data from only one ad partner.

Of course, it’s not always about restriction.

Sometimes it’s just about simplicity.

If there’s someone who needs access to just a small slice of data, offering the entire world of possibilities might be overwhelming. It might be counterproductive. In other words, simplifying what they see might be the best way to streamlining their workflow.

You’re enterprise. Your software should be too

If you’re growing fast and spending tens of millions on paid and organic growth, you’re enterprise. And your tools should be too. That’s why we have fine-grained, granular control over user permissions built into Singular.

Any questions?

Feel free to contact us or request a demo.

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