
Mobile Marketing Survey 2016 – Part 5 of 6 – Concerns about Fraud

By John Koetsier September 30, 2016

In yesterday’s mobile marketing survey post, we discussed how the spending patterns of app marketers are changing. In today’s post, we’re focused on the risks and costs of app fraud.

App fraud is one of the biggest concerns on the minds of app marketers. In our app marketer survey, we asked a series of questions about fraud and their state of readiness as regards fraud risks.

78% of marketers agreed with the statement “I am very concerned about the costs of fraud in the app category.”

That’s not just fear of the unknown. In fact, 64% of our marketers say that they have some understanding of how app fraud is perpetrated – critical knowledge to have if they are to take steps to mitigate some of the risks on their businesses.

Marketers who answered our mobile marketing survey painted a less rosy picture of their company’s readiness for app fraud. Just 20% strongly agreed that their companies had a good handle on how to protect their businesses. (54% agreed strongly or somewhat.)

Finally, most marketer survey respondents said their companies were not adequately prepared for the risks of app fraud. Only 39% said they felt their companies had made the investments necessary to meet the challenges.

Given that the costs of app fraud are estimated at well over $1B, it’s natural that marketers are concerned.

You can get more information on the four key types of app fraud and how to mitigate risks here.

Tomorrow: Putting it All Together – 4 Key Takeaways from the Survey

Blog Post Links

2016 Mobile Marketing Survey Part 1: Mobile Marketing Teams and Challenges
2016 Mobile Marketing Survey Part 2: The Business Measures of App Marketing
2016 Mobile Marketing Survey Part 3: Passion for Quality Users
2016 Mobile Marketing Survey Part 4: App Marketing Media Trends
2016 Mobile Marketing Survey Part 6: 4 Key Takeaways

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