Get Facebook, Google Ads, Linkedin directly to Redshift, S3 and Snowflake
Sign up for free and connect all your marketing channels. No engineering required. Singular has thousands of built-in integrations, and can ingest data in any form: API, dashboards, mail reports, Gdrive, SFTP, and more. Reduce the number of marketing support requests.
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Marketing connectors
Single table with all your data
Data coverage and accuracy
Natively connect all marketing data to your AWS account in one click. Choose to map fields like campaign, keyword and creative to any destination partner like Redshift, S3, Snowflake, etc.
Empower your team with the best marketing dashboards using highly granular data sets. Calculate return on ad spend (ROAS), predict customer life-time value (LTV), optimize creatives, and more. Have a favorite visualization tool? Singular already comes with pre-defined Looker blocks, Tableau workbooks, and SQL sample queries.
Try Singular with AWS AppFlow for free
Marketing infrastructure is extremely important in order to support our marketing initiatives. Singular is an invaluable platform that saves us significant BI engineering resources and plays an important role in our user acquisition strategy.
Chris Akhavan
SVP, Advertising, BD & Corporate Development at Glu Mobile